Game Modes

Game Modes

DEFCON features multiple game modes, all of which affect how the game plays. With all game modes, the winner is determined by score, which is affected by which score mode is chosen.

Score Modes
The winner is determined by which player has the most number of points at the end of the game. Score is determined by three different methods.

2 points are gained for every enemy kill, and lose a point for every loss on your side. It[s default as it provides a balance between your kills and losses.

1 point for every enemy kill. You losses don't matter any more, just make sure that you take as many lives as possible.

Start with 100 points and lose points as people in your territory die. Ideal for those who want to play a game that is based more on defence than offence.

Game Modes

As expected, this is the default setting. It's typically all against all warfare with the standard time settings for each DEFCON level.

Office Mode
Office Mode is, as the name suggests, catered to be played during over the course of a working day. the game is designed to go for eight hours, and is programmed to be easy to hide if a supervisor happens to walk by and has no sound.

Similar to default, but faster, for those who just want a quick game. Speed is set to maximum and cannot be changed. Games will last no longer than 15 minutes.

A greater emphasis is placed on creating alliances and either breaking them at opportune moments or keeping them strong, as all players are allied in the green alliance at the start of play.

Big World
The range of weapons, RADAR and all units are halved, along with unit speed.

A tournament style game.

You set the parameters, all things are adjustable.