Types of Mods

Types of Mods
this is from 2nd blog now here, redundant.

Search these terms on this blog

Types of Mods:

1.) Graphics Mods
2.) How To & Tutorial
3.) Map Mods
4.) Plane Mods
5.) Ship Mods
6.) Style Mods

1.) Graphics Mods:
These can be anything from ships and planes to menu bar items.

2.) How To & Tutorial
These posts go in-depth on how to play Defcon and Mod the game.

In Short - There are only 2 Short Cut Keys they are
1.) Pressing the Space Bar to deselect and
2.) Holding the Shift Key to select all units a naval group to do the same thing like launch bombers or activate sonar.
3.) Pressing the Escape Key in the top left "Esc" will bring up the menu.

3.) Map Mods

4.) Plane Mods

5.) Ship Mods

6.) Style Mods
These are the colors of the map and ocean and even the menu colors. You can adjust these in-game using the menu option, press Esc, go to Tools, go to Style Editor and then change the colors.

When you save it, a document is created called 'styles' and this can be put into map mods or left in the Defcon folder for all maps. Unless a mod has a Style document in it in which case it will display that when the mod is activated.