Defcon Video Game Useful Links

Defcon Video Game Useful Links

Here is a 45 minute video how to mod this game

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This blog post has information about modding the video game Defcon: Everybody Dies created by Introversion Software for the PC, Mac and Linux. 

1.)  Visit the official Introversion site for the game Defcon to get a few map mods at the bottom of the page. (Australia, Satcon, Space, and UK)

2.) Visit the official Introversion forum site for the game Defcon to a get a handful of plane mods.  Kingpins complete Plane Collection.

3.) Visit the official Introversion forum site for the game Defcon to read A Comprehensive Guide to Modding Defcon.
A Comprehensive Guide to Modding Defcon (INCOMPLETE)

4.)  Visit this website called ModDB to get various mods, mostly entirely new map mods.

5.) Visit this website of one of the publishers of Defcon, Ambrosia, there are a 6 mods, Add-On files they call them.  (WOPR, Polar, Real Explosions, Sailable Plus, Asia, Defcon Islands v1.5)

6.) Visit this site to download the Zanzer Mod suite (to make your own map) (on the black page) and various Styles and a random mod here and there but most mods (on the white pages) do not exist anymore.

Black Page:

White Page:


Mods on the official introversion mod forum do not really exist much anymore, the forum posts do but the links go to dead websites and dead hosting sites, so clicking them will take you to nowhere about 90% of the time.  The links listed above work though (except that white page on web-archive) those links are mostly dead also.

I am uploading mods to my Google Drive and listing them here on this blog.  So add this blog to your favorites bar.  The files are all .zip files or .rar files so you need to extract them once downloaded.  All Defcon mods come as .zip files and Google Drive will not accept just a regular file anyway.  Search .zip or the word "link" to find them all on this blog via the search box on the top left and bottom of each blog post.
LINK: A link again to the kingpin plane mods I put on my google drive